Exclusive clip, courtesy of Flickering Myth
Adam Cushman directing myself, Joe Blute and Barry Primus In “Five Families”, which had its world premiere last week screening at TCL Chinese Theatre June 15th @ 5pm as part of Dances With Films Film Festival
Welcome to the gangster party!
WRITERS: Adam Cushman, Barry Primus
DIR: Adam Cushman
PRODS: David J. Phillips, Jane Alvey Harris
CAST: Barry Primus, David Proval, Joe Blute, Christopher Redman, Laurence Fuller
STORY: A semi-retired associate of the jewish mafia in Los Angeles tries to save his young grandson from a life of crime as three corrupt cops crack down on local criminals.
Adam Cushman helped me find my darkness with this piece, it was rooted in a longing for the past in adolescence and lost love, a time when people followed their desire without consideration for every consequence, but to challenge status quo with action.
The last of a dying breed of gangster, nostalgic and Romantic for another time when passions followed glory and the challenges of the will, were met with the force of present days. Today I am a better man, today I feel that carnal longing, tomorrow is destroyed by the turning of coming authority. They pressure me to give up my sword, but I shall die by valiance and go down in history as the first forever gangster glory.
Six shooters shuddering in the pockets of my armed forces, there I am wishing for you to change your ways to musty running hallways of life and lofty dreams.
Protect your family, know who they are, know that legacy will be written on your tombstone carved in marble, heroes are carved in marble and the weak go silently by.
Shelley’s letters of a time in a course of crossroads between God and invention told the story a man and monster, broken by his own innate creation.