cecil day-lewis

The Artist and the Subject by Laurence Fuller

The potentialities of the medium of screen acting first came into my life when I saw Robert Deniro's collaboration with Martin Scorsese, in particular; Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Goodfellas and Casino, at the age of 14. The discipline, intensity and devotion in exhibition throughout gave me the idea that a search for meaning in life was possible through performance in film. In method acting; ideas, expression, mind, body, voice and heart are all inextricably linked towards a praxis, poetical in nature, truthful at its core. The goal to express the essence of what it is to be human under a single observing eye, the camera. Behind the camera, the director, and behind the director an audience, but in observation is there really any separation between participants, in this way the observer is also the subject, and the subject the observer.

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